RTO Consultant, Consultancy & internal Audit Services based on Hobart

Get support from practised and skilled RTO specialists in any area of RTO services – advice on Standards for Training Organisations, audit guidance and services, initial RTO registration, RTO-specific policies and procedures, post-initial and subsequent RTO registration, extensions to scope, RTO compliance, and validation.

We have many years of expertise in RTO management, gained through maintaining and managing our own very successful RTOs. We can help you effectively manage any area of your RTO’s services and compliance too.




About Us

Established in 2019, We are a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) consultancy based in Hobart. We are committed to gaining positive outcomes for our clients throughout Australia. Our RTO specialists provide expert advice & support on all aspects of establishing & managing RTO’s in the domestic & international markets.

Drawing on years’ experience in the Vocational Education & Training (VET) industry enables us to understand & consistently satisfy our clients’ expectations. Our purpose is to support clients to deliver premium services, both effectively & compliantly.

We effectively utilise our on broad expertise to confidently provide advice in all areas of RTO services & assist clients to prepare for a successful future in the VET Sector.

Our clients operate in the domestic marketplace, including RTOs that services International students in accordance with the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) & VET Quality Frameworks. They deliver courses to learners in a huge variety of industries, from sport & leisure to business & accounting to warehouse operations & logistics to children’s services & counselling & more. Some RTO’s are VET FEE help providers, others offer government-funded places & all provide courses on a fee for service basis.

Let us assist you to face the challenges of managing an RTO in our dynamic VET industry & deliver high-quality training that learners deserve.

We provide advice and support on all aspects of RTO set up/ RTO registration and management to clients in the domestic and international markets.

Our Products

Policies & procedures for all legislative frameworks

Training & assessment materials

RPL tools

Training & assessment strategies

Auditing templates

Validation tools

Marketing materials

Pre-enrolment documentation

RTO documents for all operations

Our Service

RTO consulting

RTO set up/ gaining RTO registration

CRICOS registration

ELICOS registration

Internal auditing

Preparing for and responding to external audits

On-going compliance advice and support for all

legislative frameworks

Assessment validation

Extension of scope

Training and assessment material development

RTO registration financial viability advice and support

Developing financial forecasts and modelling tools

Business plan development

Government funding applications

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